Monday, October 18, 2010

New Balance Unboxes Its Mimimus Trail Runners

I love New Balance. Well, by default, I love them. There isn't a shoe on the rack anywhere that will fit my wide foot as well as New Balance. I am not a famous runner so obviously I'm not being courted for endorsements so it is unlikely I will ever be able to afford to have shoes custom-made for my wide-load (5E) feet. So now they have come out with what looks like the ultimate in "minimal" shoes-- about as light and stripped down as you will find -- supposed to be as close as you can get (with protection) to running barefoot. They won't be on the market until the Spring-- I really hope they come in wiiiidddde widths so I can be out on the same playing field as the guys with narrower feet, eh. Here's a vid of hippie ultramarathoner Anton Kopricka (who has been running marathons since age 12) talking about this New Balance Minimus. Note his really ugly feet. My feet are wide but my wife says they are kind of cute. So there ya go.

Anything mentioned in this blog that is of a "health or medical nature" is the opinion and/or experience of the blogger and not an endorsement or a cure. Please see your trusted health professional.

1 comment:

  1. That was a great review, thanks for sharing it! More power to you and to your blog. ~ brooks ~
